Our Engagement in SDGs


Nittoku carries out the following projects as our engagement in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals):

01. Reduction of paper consumption and enhancement of work efficiency through going paperless

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production
  • 08. Decent work and economic growth
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production

Promoting cloud-based attendance management, production management, and various document forms has contributed to reducing paper consumption and enhancing work efficiency.

Reduction of paper consumption and enhancement of work efficiency through going paperless

02. Reduction of energy usage by 20%

  • 7. Affordable and clean energy
  • 07. Affordable and clean energy

In 2017, we expanded the Katase plant to integrate our synthetic fiber businesses.
By the year 2026, which marks the 10th anniversary since integration, we will promote renewal of air-conditioning equipment and employment of LEDs to reduce the energy use at the Katase plant by 20%.

Energy usage at the Katase plant

03. Supporting the development of professionalism among young people as a local company

  • 4.Quality education
  • 11.Sustainable cities and communities
  • 04.Quality education
  • 11.Sustainable cities and communities

We offer learning opportunities and work experience to local junior high school and high school students, as well as job-seeking students, to obtain a deeper understanding of local industries.
We provide support for development of professionalism among young people as a local company.

Placement of Internship in 2021

High school students Two times, four students
University students Six times, eleven students
A general learning class at a local junior high school (understanding local industries)
A general learning class
at a local junior high school
(understanding local industries)
A career seminar at a local high school(Zoom)
A career seminar at a local high school