Screen Printing Mesh BusinessScreen Specifications

Screen Specifications

Mesh count Number of threads per inch
Thread diameter Diameter of a thread (㎛)
Mesh opening

Distance between threads (㎛)

Calculation formula for [Mesh opening]

Open area

Open area percentage of screen (%)

Calculation formula for [Open area]

Screen mesh thickness Thickness of a screen mesh (㎛)
Ink volume

Theoretical ink permeation volume (cm³/m²)

Calculation formula for [Ink volume]

  • ※The specifications are values in a tensionless state.
  • ※The thread diameter is a value before weaving.
  • mesh numerical explanation
  • mesh area
  • mesh thickness

Basic Knowledge About Mesh

Thread types


A thread is made up of one filament


A thread is made up of multiple filaments

Weaving Structure

Plain weave is mainly employed for screen printing mesh.

Weaving Structure

Variations in Mesh Opening, Screen Mesh Thickness, and Ink Volume Based on Thread Diameter

  • Even in the case of the same mesh density, the mesh opening varies depending on the thread diameter.
  • The figure shows the variations in mesh opening, screen mesh thickness, and ink volume due to the difference in thread diameter between 90 mesh/cm = 225 mesh/inch.



Thread Diameter 40㎛
Mesh opening 73㎛
Open area 42%
Screen mesh thickness 59㎛
Ink volume 25cm³/m²

90/225-40 scale figure

90/225-40 scale figure



Thread Diameter 48㎛
Mesh opening 65㎛
Open area 33%
Screen mesh thickness 72㎛
Ink volume 24cm³/m²

90/225-48 scale figure

90/225-48 scale figure



Thread Diameter 54㎛
Mesh opening 59㎛
Open area 27%
Screen mesh thickness 84㎛
Ink volume 23cm³/m²

90/225-54 scale figure

90/225-54 scale figure

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